Vehicle Length - 3955 mm (155.7in.)
Vehicle Width - 1495 mm (58.9in.)
Vehicle Height - 1325 mm (52.2in.)
Interior Length - 750 mm (29.52in.)
Interior Width - 1275 mm (50.2in.)
Interior Height - 990 mm (39in.)
Front Tread - 1275 mm (50.2in.)
Rear Tread - 1200 mm (47.24in.)
Wheel Base - 2280mm (89.8in.)
Min. Clearance - 140 mm (5.5in.)
Overhang to Front End - 620
mm (24.4in.)
Overhang to Rear End - 885 mm
Wheel size - 4 1/2 J x 14 inch
Tyre Size - 5.60-S14-4PR (optional
Vehicle Weight - 950 kg (1984lb.)
Seating Capacity - 2 Persons
Maximum Speed - 200 km/h (127.4
Grade Ability - 0.537 = sin0
Min. Turning Radius - 4.9 m
(16.08 ft.)
all figures are for Australian
delivered 2000s fitted with Mikuni Solex carbs
Model - U-20
Manufacturer - Nissan
Classification - Gasoline
Construction - Cast Iron Block
and Cast Iron Head
Cooling system - Water forced
No. of cyl. and arrangement
- 4 in line
Cycle - 4
No. of Main Bearings - 5
Combustion chamber - Wedge type
Valve arrangement - Overhead
Bore x Stroke - 87.2 x 83mm
(3.433 x 3.267in.)
Displacement - 1.982 litre (120.92
Compression ratio - 9.5 to 1
Comp. pressure - 11.7kg/cm2
@ 350rpm (163.1 lb in2)
Max. power - 150bhp @ 6000 rpm
Max. torque - 19.1m-kg @ 4800
(138 @ 4800)
Engine idle speed - 700 rpm
Lenght x Width x Height - 692
x 641 x 670mm
Weight - 160 kg (353 lb.)
Firing order - 1-3-4-2
Piston material - LO-EX
Number of rings - 2 compression,
1 oil
Valve timing - intake open 30deg.
- intake close 70deg. ATDC
- exhaust open 70deg. BTDC
- exhaust close 30deg. ATDC
Valve Clearance (Hot) - In.
0.2 mm (0.0079 in.)
- Ex. 0.3 mm (0.0118 in.)
Wear Limit of Dittoed Clearance
- 0.35 mm (0.0138 in.)
Valve Head Dia.
- Intake 46 mm (1.81 in.)
- Exhaust 36 mm (1.42 in.)
Valve Stem Dia.
- Intake 8.7 mm (0.343 -0.0012 in.)
Valve Stem Dia.
- Exhaust 8.7 mm (0.343 in.)
Valve Length
- Intake 120.8 mm (4.76 in.)
- Exhaust 120.8 mm (4.76 in.)
Valve Lift
Solex 11.6 mm (0.46 in.)
SU 11.2 mm (0.44 in.)
Valve Spring Free Length - Outer
49.7 mm (1.96 in.)
- Inner 48.4 mm (1.91 in.)
Valve Spring Loaded Length -Outer
29.6 mm/76.4kg (l.l7 in./168.1lb.)
- Inner 27.6 mm/29.9kg (1.09 in. /65.8lb.)
Valve Spring Assembled Height
Outer 41.2 mm/32.3 kg (1.62 ih./71. 1 lb.)
- Inner . 39.2 mm/13.3 I~g (1.54 in./29.3 lb.)
Valve Spring Effective Turns
- Outer 4.25
- Inner 5.5
Valve Spring Wire Dia. - Outer
4.6 mm (0.18 in.)
- Inner 2.95 mm (0.116 in.)
Valve Spring Coil Dia. - Intake
35.0 mm (1.38 in.)
- Exhaust 24.2mm (0.95in.)
Valve Guide Length
- Intake 55.0 mm (2.17 in.)
- Exhaust 55.0 mm (2.17 in.)
Valve Guide Height From Head
Surface 13.0 + 0.1 mm (0.512 + 0.004 in.)
Valve Guide Inner Dia. - Intake
8.685 8.700 mm (0.3419 0.3425 in.)
- Exhaust 8.6858.700 mm (0.34190.3425 in.)
Valve Guide Outer Dia. - Intake
14.313 14.326 mm (0.56350.5640 in.)
- Exhaust 14.31314.326 mm (0.56350.5640 in.)
Valve Guide to Stem Clearance
- Intake 0.015 0.043 mm (0.0006 0.00]7 in.)
- Exhaust 0.045~0.073 mm (0.00180.0029 in.)
Valve Seat Width
- Intake 1.40 mm (0.055 in.)
- Exhaust 1.77 mm (0.069 in.)
Valve Seat Angle
- Intake 45deg
- Exhaust 45deg
Valve Seat Interference Fit
- Intake 0.081 0.113 mm (0.0032 0.0044 in.)
- Exhaust 0.0640.096 mm (0.00250.0038 in.)
Valve Guide Interference Fit
- Intake 0.022 0.050 mm (0.00090.0020 in.)
- Exhaust 0.0220.050 mm (0.00090.0020 in.)
Camshaft End Play
0.1 ~ 0.3 mm (0.0039 0.0118 in.)
Camshaft Lobe Lift
solex 8.3 mm (0.327 in.)
SU 8.0 mm (0.315 in.)
Camshaft Journal Dia. - 1st
29.964 ~ 29.977 mm (1.1800 ~ 1.1802 in.)
- 2nd 29.964 ~ 29.977 mm (1.1800 ~ 1.1802 in.)
- 3rd 29.964 ~ 29.977 mm (1.1800 ~ 1.1802 in.)
- 4th 29.964 ~ 29.977 mm (1.1800 ~ 1.1802 in.)
- 5th 24.966 ~ 24.979 mm (0.9830 ~ 0.9834 in.)
Camshaft Bend (Measure
Center journal with Both end journals supported)
less than 0.01 mm (0.0004 in.)
Camshaft Journal to Bearing
No.1 to 4 0.023 ~ 0.052 mm (0.0009 ~ 0.0020 in.)
Clearance No.5 0.0210.047 mm (0.0008~0.0019 in.)
Camshaft Bearing Inner Dia.
- 1st 30mm +/- 0.016 (1.18 in. +/- 0.0006)
- 2nd 30 mm +/- 0.016 (1.18 in. +/- 0.0006)
- 3rd 30mm +/- 0.016 (1.18 in. +/- 0.0006)
- 4th 30 mm +/- 0.016 (1.18 in. +/- 0.0006)
- 5th 25mm +/- 0.013 (0.98 in. +/- 0.0005)
Rocker Arm Lever Ratio
Approximately 1.4: 1
Center Distance
144 +/- 0.03 mm (5.67_/- 0.001 in.)
Bearing Length
24 +/- 0.1 mm (0.94 +/- 0.0039 in.)
Bearing Thickness STD
1.493 1.506 mm (0.0588 0.0593 in.)
Big End End Play
0.2~0.3 mm (0.008~0.012 in.)
Connecting Rod Bearing Clearance
0.0340.086 mm (0.0013 0.0034 in.)
Connecting Rod Bend
Less than 0.04 mm per 100 mm length (0.0016 in.per 3.94 in.)
Journal Dia
2.942 62.955 mm (2.4780 2.4785 in.)
Journal Taper & Out-of-Round
Less than 0. 005 mm (0.0002 in.)
Crankshaft Free End Play
0.05 0.18 mm (0.0020.007 in.)
Wear Limit of Dittoed Play
0.3 mm (0.012 in.)
Crank Pin Dia
51.941 - 51.954 mm (2.0449 - 2.0454 in.)
Crank Pin Taper& Out-of-Round
Less than 0.005 mm (0.002 in.)
Main Bearing Thickness STD
1.822 - 1.835 mm (0.0717 - 0.0722 in.)
Main Bearing Clearance
0.020 - 0.072 mm (0.0008 - 0.0028 in.)
Wear Limit of Dittoed Clearance
0.12 mm (0.0047 in.)
Crankshaft Bend
Less than 0.03 mm (0.0012 in.)
Journal Dia.
- 1st 45.434~45.447 mm (l.7887~1.7892 in)
- 2nd 43.877~43.910 mm (1.7274- 1.7287 in.)
- 3rd 41.218~41.231 mm (1.62281.6233 [n.)
Jackshaft Free End Play
0.08 0.28 mm (0.0031 0.0110 in.)
Piston Dia.
- STD 87.180 87.230 mm (3.4323 3.4342 in.)
- Oversize 1 87.410 87.460 mm (3.4413 3.4433 in.)
- Oversize 2 87.660~87.710 mm (3.4512~3.4531 in.)
- Oversize 3 87.910 87.960 mm (3.4610 3.4630 in.)
- Oversize 4 88.160~88.210 mm (3.4709~3.4728 in.)
- Oversize 5 88.660 88.710 mm (3.49053.4925 in.)
Ellipse Difference
0.39 ~ 0.42 mm (0.0154~0.0165 in.)
Ring Groove Width - Top 2.0
mm (0.079 in.)
- Second 2.0 mm (0.079 in.)
- Oil 4 mm (0.157 in.)
Piston to Bore Clearance
0.0300.050 mm (0.0012 0.0020 in.)
Piston Pin Hole Off-Set
1 +/- 0.05 mm (0.03937 +/- 0.0020 in.)
Pin Dia
22 mm (0.866 in.)
Pin Length
72.6 mm (2.858 in.)
Piston Pin to Piston Clearance
0.006 0.012 mm (0.0002 0.0005 in.)
Piston Pinto Connecting Rod
Bushing Clearance
0.0250.035 mm (0.0010 0.0014 in.)
Piston ring height
- top & 2nd compression ring - 2mm (0.079in.)
- oil ring - 4.0mm (0.1575in.)
Ring side clearence -
top compression ring
- 0.04-0.073mm (0.0016-0.0029in.)
- 2nd compression ring
- 0.03-0.063mm (0.0012-0.0025in.)
- oil ring
- 0.025-0.063mm (0.001-0.0025in.)
Ring gap width
- top compression ring
- 0.25-0.4mm (0.01-0.016in.)
- 2nd compression ring
- 0.15-0.3mm (0.006-0.012in.)
- oil ring
- 0.14-0.29mm (0.0055-0.0114in.)
Cylinder bore out-of-round tollerance
- <0.015mm (<0.0006in.)
Cylinder bore taper - 0.02mm
Cylinder head surface flatness
- <0.1mm (<0.004in.)
Starting method - magnetic starting
Ignition method - battery coil
Ignition timing - 20deg. BTDC
at 700rpm
Firing order - 1 - 3 - 4 - 2
Ignition coil - Hitachi C6R-50
- Hanshin HV-13Y
Coil primary voltage - 12 volts
Coil required current - engine
stopped - 3.5 amp.
- engine running - 2.15 amp.
Coil resistance - primary 1.4
ohm. - secondary 14 K/ohm.
Distributor - Hitachi D407-51
Ignition timing advance system
- governor
Advance starting speed - 800-1100
Rotating direction - left
Points gap - 0.45-0.55mm (0.0177-0.0217in.)
Dwell angle - Hitachi - 49-55
Contact arm spring tension -
0.5-0.65 kg (1.1-1.43lb.)
Condenser capacity - 0.20-0.24
Spark plug - Nihon Tokushu Togyo
(NGK) B-6E
- Hitachi L-45
Spark plug size - screw diameter
x reach
- 14 x 19mm (0.551 x 0.75 in.)
Spark plug gap - 0.7 - 0.8 mm
(0.027 - 0.031 in.)
Spark plug torque - 1.5-2.0kg/m
(11.0-15.0 ft/lb.)
Carburetor - Mikuni 44PHH
Type - dual throat side draught
Throttle bore - 44 mm (1.496
Venturi Size - Outer 37 (1.456)
- Inner 10 (0.3937)
Main Jet - #180
Pilot Jet - #60
Pump Jet - 0.3mm (0.01181in.)
Air cleaner - paper type, Tsuchiya
Fuel pump - diaphragm type
Diaphragm spring free length
- Showa Seiki - 52-54mm (2.05-2.13in.)
- Kyosan Denki - 57-59mm (2.24-2.32in.)
Diaphragm spring pressured length
- Showa Seiki - 22mm/3.9-4.3kg
- Kyosan Denki - 14mm/4.2-4.6kg
Rocker arm spring free length
- Showa Seiki - 24-24.5mm (0.94-0.96in.)
- Kyosan Denki - 31mm (1.22in.)
Discharge pressure
- Showa Seiki - <220mm/Hg (8.66in.Hg)
- Kyosan Denki - <220mm/Hg (8.66in.Hg)
Suction vacuum - Showa Seiki
- >300mm/Hg (11.8in./Hg)
- Kyosan Denki - >400mm/Hg (15.75in./Hg)
Fuel tank capacity - 43 litre
(11.36 US gal.)
Method - forced pressure type
Oil pump type - gear type
Oil filter - full flow type
Oil pan capacity - 7.1 litre
(1.875 US gal.)
Oil pressure measured while
hot at 700rpm
- 1.0 kg/cm2 (14.9 lb/in2)
Relief valve spring free length
- 62.3mm (2.453in.)
Relief valve spring pressured
- 40mm/8.13kg (1.575in./17.89lb.)
Opening pressure - 4.5kg/cm2
Gear side clearence - 0.04-0.11mm
Gear backlash - 0.3-0.4mm (0.01-0.02in.)
System type - water cooling
closed type
Radiator - corrugated fin and
tube type
Type - Nihon Radiator
System capacity - 8.5 litre
(2.11 US gal.)
Water pump - centrifugal type
Pump vane to body clearence
- 0.7-0.9mm (0.028-0.035in.)
Cooling fan diameter - 350mm
Fan belt deflection - 15-20mm
Thermostat - pellet type
Thermostat opening temperature
- 76.5 deg.C (169.7 deg.F)
Thermostat valve lift
- 8mm at 95 deg.C (0.31in. at 203 deg.F)
Type - 12 volt , 50 AH
Battery manufacturers - Yuasa
, Furukawa , GS .
Polarity - negative earth
Type - Mitsubishi AS2030A2
Generating method - alternator
Voltage - 12 volt
Capacity - 30 amp.
Pulley ratio - 1.73
Shaft bend limit - 0.1mm (0.004in.)
Brush height - 12.0mm (0.472in.)
Brush limit height - 5.0mm (0.179in.)
Type - Mitsubishi RL-2220B5
Load adjust voltage - 13.5-14.5
Air gap - 0.8-1.2mm (0.315-0.472in.)
Back gap - 0.8-1.1mm (0.315-0.433in.)
Point gap - 0.3-0.4mm (0.118-0.157in.)
Type - Mitsubishi ME-Y2R
Power - 12 volt 1.4 hp
Stall torque - >1.0kg/m (>7.2
Pinion gear - number of teeth
- 9
Commutator diameter - 39mm (1.54in.)
Commutator diameter wear limit
- 2mm (0.08in.)
Brush length - 17mm (0.67in.)
Brush length wear limit - 6.5mm
Shaft to bearing clearence
- 0.05-0.1mm (0.002-0.0039in.)
Amendment limit - 0.2mm (0.008in.)
Type - single dry disc hydraulic
Number of plates - 2 (facing)
Clutch Material - Textar
Clutch spring type - diaphragm
Number of springs - 1
Number of torsion springs -
Outer diameter x inner diameter
x thickness
- 200 x 130 x 3.5 mm (7.87 x 5.12 x 0.138 in.)
Total friction area - 363mm
Clutch pedal free travel - 10-20mm
Clutch pedal height - 167mm
Disc run out - 0.5mm (0.0197in.)
Release lever or diaphragm spring
height from flywheel
face - 43.5mm (1.71in.)
Release lever run out - 0.8mm
Withdrawal lever play - 2.5mm
Out of balance of clutch - 12.0mm
Backlash at splined part - 0.08-0.12mm
Disc assembly thickness
- free - 8.3-9.4mm (0.327-0.37in.)
- bending - 1.0-1.3mm (0.039-0.051in.)
- compressed - 7.3-8.1mm (0.287-0.319in.)
Model - FS5C71A
Type - 5 forward, 1 reverse.
Synchromesh on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th.
Synchro type - servo type
Operating method - floor shift
Gearbox oil pan capacity - 2.6
litre (0.68 US gal.)
Ratios - 1st - 2.957
- 2nd - 1.858
- 3rd - 1.311
- 4th - 1.000
- 5th - 0.852
- reverse - 3.365
Number of teeth - main shaft
- main drive gear - 23
- 3rd gear - 28
- 2nd gear - 29
- low gear - 34
- reverse gear - 36
- overdrive - 21
- counter shaft - counter driven gear - 28
- 3rd gear - 26
- 2nd gear - 19
- low gear - 14
- reverse gear - 15
- overdrive - 30
- reverse idler gear - 17
- speedometer - drive gear - 6
- driven gear - 18
- ammendment limit of
main shaft end play
- 0.4mm (0.0157in.)
- counter shaft end play
- 0-0.10mm (0.002-0.0059in.)
- main shaft end play
- 0-0.35mm (0-0.0138in.)
- ammendment limit of
counter shaft end play
- 0.2mm (0.0079in.)
- reverse idler gear
end play
- 0.05-0.35mm (0.002-0.0138in.)
- ammendment limit of
reverse idler gear end play
- 0.4mm (0.0157in.)
- main drive adjust washers
- 2.0mm (0.08in.)
- 2.1mm (0.082in.)
- 2.2mm (0.09in.)
- counter shaft adjust
- 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0mm
- (0.016, 0.02, 0.024, 0.028, 0.031, 0.035, 0.039in.)
Backlash between gears - 1st,
2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th
- 0.05-0.1mm (0.002-0.004in.)
- reverse - 0.1-0.15mm (0.0039-0.0059in.)
- speedometer gear - 0.2mm (0.0079in.)
Length x outer diameter x inner
838 x 63.5 x 60.3 mm (32.99 x 2.5 x 2.374 in.)
Universal joint - Spicer type
Universal joint journal outer
- 14.8mm (0.58in.)
Bearing race inner diameter
- 18.8mm (0.74in.)
Number of needle roller bearing
- 26
Needle bearing outer diameter
- 2.0mm (0.079in.)
Joint size - 63H
- sleeve yolk spline backlash
- 0.024-0.066mm (0.0009-0.0026in.)
- snap ring thickness
for needle roller cap
- 2.0mm (0.079in.)
- spider thrust play
- 0.02mm (0.0008in.)
- propeller shaft run
- 0.6mm (0.024in.)
- dynamic balance
- 15gram/4000 rpm (0.529oz./4000 rpm)
Type of gear - hypoid
Gear ratio - 3.7
Housing type - banjo
Differential gear oil capacity
- 0.93 litre (0.25 US gal.)
Type and number of gears
- straight bevel pinion - 2 of each
Number of teeth - drive pinion
- 10
- ring gear - 37
- pinion mate - 10
- side gear - 18
- preload for pinion
- 10-13kg/cm (8.7-11.3lb/in.)
- pinion height - 61.0mm
- drive pinion bearing
adjusting shims
- 3.8-3.82mm (0.149-0.15in.)
- drive pinion adjusting
- 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.075 & 0.05mm
- (0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.003 & 0.002in.)
- side gear to case clearence
- 0.1-0.2mm (0.004-0.008in.)
- ammendment limit of
side gear to case clearence
- 0.3mm (0.012in.)
- side bearing adjusting
- 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.075 & 0.05mm
- (0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.003 & 0.002in.)
- side gear thrust washer
- 0.76-0.81, 0.86-0.91, 0.96-1.01,
1.06-1.11 & 1.16-1.21mm
- (5.49-5.86, 6.22-6.58, 6.94-7.3,
7.66-8.03 & 8.39-8.75in.)
- pinion mate thrust washer
- 0.76-0.81mm (0.03-0.032in.)
- maximum run out of ring
- <0.05mm (<0.002in.)
- backlash between side
gear and pinion mate
- 0.02-0.08mm (0.0008-0.0032in.)
- backlash between ring
gear & pinion
- 0.15-0.2mm (0.006-0.008in.)
Rear axle adjustment
- shaft end play - <0.51mm
- adjusting shims - 0.075mm
Type - cam and lever
Gear ratio - 14.8
Steering box oil capacity -
0.25 litre (0.07 US gal.)
Steering angle in - 36deg.16'
- out - 28deg.20'
Steering wheel diameter - 400
mm (15.75 in.)
Number of turns lock to lock
- 2.7
Turning force at steering column
- 0.3-0.8kg (0.7-1.8lb.)
- steering wheel play
- 25-30mm (0.98-1.18in.)
- backlash between worm
and pin
- <0.2mm (<0.008in.)
- axial play and radial
play between nut and ball
- 0.08mm (0.0031in.)
- worm bearing preload
- 8-15kg/m (0.31-0.59lb/in.)
- worm bearing interference
- <0.01mm (<0.0004in.)
- worm adjusting shim
- 0.762, 0.254, 0.127 & 0.05mm
- (0.03, 0.01, 0.005 & 0.002in.)
- sector shaft shims
- 1.45mm & 1.57mm (0.0571 & 0.0618)
- standard shim thickness
- 2.5mm (0.10in.)
- shaft to bush clearence
- 0.017-0.06mm (0.0007-0.0024in.)
- shaft adjusting shim
- 3.2mm (0.13in.)
- off-set at centre of
worm and pin
- 4.7mm (0.19in.)
Front brakes - Sumitomo twin
piston calipers made
under licence from Dunlop
Front brake pad dimensions
- 47.5 x 16.7 x 53.98 mm (1.87 x 0.66 x 2.125 in.)
Front brake total braking area
- 102.6cm2 (15.9 in.2)
Diameter of front disc - 284
mm (11.18 in.)
Front caliper inner diameter
- 53.98mm (2.125in.)
Rear brakes - alloy finned drum
brakes with one leading and one
trailing shoe
Rear brake shoe dimensions
- 40 x 4.5 x 215 mm (1.57 x 0.18 x 8.46 in.)
Rear brake total braking area
- 351cm2 (54.4 in.2)
Diameter of rear drum - 228.6
mm (9.0 in.)
Rear wheel cylinder inner diameter
- 20.64mm (0.8in.)
Master cylinder - 19.05mm (0.75in.)
- rotor run
out - <0.08mm (<0.003in.)
- drum out
of round - <0.02mm (<0.0008in.)
- front pad
wear limit - 5.3mm (0.21in.)
- rear shoe
lining limit - 0.5-1mm (0.012-0.039in.)
- front pad
to rotor clearence
- 0.18-0.31mm (0.007-0.012in.)
- rear shoe
to drum clearence - 0.25mm (0.01in.)
- brake pedal
free travel - 10-15mm (0.39-0.59in.)
- brake pedal
height - 167mm (6.57in.)
Wheel cylinder - rear 20.64mm
Max. fluid pressure - 137 kg/cm2
Park brake - mechanical type
on rear wheel
Front - independent coil spring
Front coil spring size - 12.7
x 87.5 x 290 mm - 6 turns
Coil spring wire diameter -
12.7mm (0.5in.)
Coil spring diameter - 87.5mm
Coil spring free length - 290mm
Spring constant - 9.5kg/mm (522.5lb/in.)
Front shock absorbers - telescopic
double acting
Shock absorber damping force
- rebound - 190kg (418lb.)
- compression - 70kg (154lb.)
Stroke - 110mm (4.3in.)
Maximum length - 310mm (12.2in.)
Minimum length - 200mm (7.9in.)
Stabilizer - front - torsion
bar type
- wheel bearing preload
- <15.0kg/cm (<13.0lb/in.)
- wheel bearing axial
play - <0.08mm (<0.003in.)
- camber adjusting shim
sizes - 1mm & 2mm
(0.04in. & 0.08in.)
Rear - parallel semi elliptic
leaf springs
Rear spring size
- 1200 x 60 x 6 - 2 (47.2
x 2.4 x 0.24 - 2)
5 - 2
(0.2 - 2)
Free camber - 66.5mm (2.62in.)
Laden camber - neg.6.0mm/185kg
Bush pin diameter - 12.0mm (0.47in.)
Leaf spring adjustment
- bush to pin clearence
- <0.113mm (<0.0044in.)
Rear shock absorbers - telescopic
double acting
Shock absorber damping force
- rebound - 120kg (264lb.)
- compression - 30kg
Stroke - 162mm (6.4in.)
Maximum length - 414mm (16.3in.)
Minumum length - 252mm (9.9in.)
These figures quoted are the
factory specs for cars fitted with the original cross ply tyres, the figures
may not be appropriate for cars fitted with radial tyres.
Caster (unladen) - 1o30'
Camber (unladen) - 1o25'
Toe-in (unladen) - 2.0-3.0mm
Inclination angle of axle (unladen)
- 6o35'
Turning angle of front wheel
- inside - 36o16'
- outside - 28o20'
Type - X member
Section - box type
Height x width x thickness
Upper 75
x 100 x 1.6 mm
Lower 25
x 100 x 2.3 mm
Weight - 505kg (1091.2lb.)